Widespread knowledge, control of the processes, client satisfaction: the three fundamental factors of a successfull business culture.

The attention to the client and to his satisfaction are the lodestare of EID S.r.l. business strategy, backed by the established and recognized skills around the resources we deal with, functional thanks to the controlled and certified management of business processes, focusing on developement and assistance activities.

EID’s Quality System is a strategic tool, helping in cultural and operational integration.

In the last decade, EID’s quality management has evolved year after year: from being only a management tool used to obtain the ISO 9001 certification, the system for Quality Management has evolved to become a fundamental component of the business strategy of our Company, a strategy based on three fundamental points, interdipendent but also synergetic one to another:

  • growth and distribution of knowledge and professionalism around our resources, through specific formation, internal and external to the company;
  • functional structure organized on controlled processes, constantly monitored to allow continuous improvement;
  • client-oriented business, focusing on his satisfaction and loyalty over time.

Constant formation, processes organization and attention to the client are also the three aspects around which the business culture of EID S.r.l. has grown.

Formation, intended as updating and growing professional skills, is an indispensable value to make a Business protagonist in its own business category. Two aspects are explanatory of the importance of Formation in EID:

  •  overall formation rate, around 3% of the total working hours;
  • average individual training time, estimated around 35 hours, much higher than the national average.

Functional structure built around interconnected processes, well defined and in-detail documented, deals with main problems of:

  • organizing activities with clearness of ownership and responsability;
  • making the processes easily monitrable in terms of quality and coherence of input and output;
  • measuring performances, efficiency and quality of the processes thanks to a dashboard of indicators constantly monitored.

Attention to the client is protaginist in the whole business process, starting from the first interactions to post-sale assistance, through:

  • deployment of professional and specific skills of our collaborators, ability to understand the client’s problems and formulation of ad hoc solutions, based on multi-decade experience, customized and adapted to the operational reality of each client;
  • realization of the solutions required through periodic reviews made by EID and the client together;
  • training and necessary support in the starting phase
  • continuity and speediness of post-sale assistance activities

EID S.r.l. is certified by CSQ in compliance with the International Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and maintains the validity of the certification in accordance with the scheduled periodicity and scheduling, aligning, whenever necessary, its Quality Management System with the evolution of the standard itself and the development dynamics of the company.
