ULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana has chose EID's E-Billing system for Public Administration Duties
The project has received the prize from the Electronic Invoicing and Dematerialization Observatory for the "Local Healthcare Companies" category.
The project has received the prize from the Electronic Invoicing and Dematerialization Observatory for the "Local Healthcare Companies" category.
EID’s solution supports electronic billing in the correct format and in full compliance with the legislation and benefits from over 45 years of experience in the Public Administration, as well as in the private sector.
Thanks to the native integration with the ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision), the solution also allows interaction with any management program supplied and is compatible with all major electronic storage providers (InfoCert, Faber System…).
Since March 31st 2015 the obligation of electronic invoicing has been extended to all Public Administrations in Italy. The obligation concerns the transfer of goods and services carried out by companies. Even local authorities will no longer be able to accept invoices issued or sent in paper form, just as the Ministries, tax agencies and national social security and assistance bodies which have already been using electronic invoicing since 6 June 2014.
The suppliers of public administrations therefore find themselves having to manage the billing cycle exclusively in electronic format, in the stages of issuing, transmitting and storing the documents.
This regulatory change brings a number of advantages to the public administration:
Overall savings are estimated at several billion euros. The technical specifications are available on the website: www.fatturapa.gov.it
On September 2nd 2015 the legislative decree on the electronic transmission of VAT transactions came into effect. This decree makes it possible to use electronic invoicing also between private businesses. The decree provides, optionally, starting from January 1st 2017, for the electronic transmission to the Agenzia Delle Entrate of the data of all invoices (and related variations), issued and received, also through the Exchange System.
The advantages, for those who join, are the elimination of the communication obligations relating to the so-called “spesometro” and the “black lists” and leasing contracts. Furthermore, those who join will benefit from faster VAT refunds.
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