It is a DMS, a document management software for the intelligent management of document-related processes and information, the dematerialization and archiving of all company documents, a step beyond the classic management of DMS software.
The “Document Intelligence” adapts to the organization and integrates with the business applications already present within the company. It simplifies document processes, automatically acquiring and indexing any document managed in the company information system (active and passive cycle , commercial, production, quality, technical office, etc.) aligning with your ERP, or any other file managed outside of it but for which there is a need for archiving and sharing.
Many companies deal with and have to archive hundreds of files. Very often it is needed to update and keep previous versions for unlimited periods. This involves many limitations: occupation of considerable space on servers (with relative cost), groups of folders with numerous levels of subfolders which slow down the operating system and create confusion, freedom of naming files left to users and relative risk of lack of clarity, risk duplication or loss of files. In addition to these problems, in this way the files remain available only within the corporate network. The sharing is difficult and slow.
All these problems literally disappear with document software, as once archived within the DMS Globe, the powerful search engine will allow the user to instantly find the necessary documents. Guaranteed are compliance with the configured access rules and maintainance of a pre-established standard in the naming of files and managing the versioning of the latter, if desired. It also makes business flows fast and streamlined, allowing you to achieve new management strategies; eliminate waste, increase business productivity and simplify the sending of any document through internal notifications. You also have the possibility of using the most widespread digital channels: E-mail, PEC, Link, Portal, also making it possible to monitor the actual viewing of a document by the recipient, whether it is a business partner or an employee.
The search keys for each document, extracted directly from the document itself or retrieved from external sources, facilitate the retrieval of documents and the processing of statistics.
Would you like to know more? Contact us and we will be happy to evaluate your needs with our technicians and formulate the most suitable proposal for your situation.
If you want to learn more in a more technical way, or explore other cases of application of document management, we recommend the DEMATERIALIZZANDO.IT website.
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